Munlochy Hall

Munlochy Hall Safety Plan

Hirers of the Hall will be issued with copies of this Safety Plan when booking the Hall.

Munlochy Hall Management Committee have undertaken a fire risk assessment in accordance with the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005. The significant outcomes of the risk assessment relating to the passive and active safety measures are to be addressed and adherence to the Fire Safety Policy and emergency fire action plan by all visitors and staff will ensure the continued wellbeing of all from the effects of any outbreak of fire.

The last fire risk assessment was carried out on 2 December 2019.

Fire Safety

The Responsible Person will ensure that:

  • The Hall will have the correct amount of fire equipment including the right number and type of fire extinguishers (see attached plans showing locations of fire exits, fire extinguishers, fire alarm call points and fire blankets).
  • The fire alarm and emergency lighting will be checked every six months by a trained person.  The fire extinguishers will be checked annually.
  • The fire alarm call points will be checked weekly.

Staff and visitors should conduct themselves in such a manner as to promote fire safety by means of:

  • Adequate escape routes will be available, be identified and kept free and unobstructed at all times.
  • Fire doors will not be propped open or locked at any time.
  • Self-closing doors will not be jammed open.
  • All waste paper will be deposited in waste bins and removed regularly.
  • All combustible materials will be kept away from heaters.
  • No smoking is allowed in the Hall.
  • No highly flammable materials are to be brought into the building
  • Use of personal electrical items – small electrical items used within the premises must be used in line with the manufacturers guidance and must not be used if the unit is in any way defective
  • Under no circumstances must any electrical socket be overloaded and use only in approved trailing sockets
  • Inform the hall committee if any electrical appliance develops a fault and do not use the unit until it has been inspected
  • Comply with all requirements of this Policy and any other fire safety procedures.
  • Familiarise themselves with the means of escape from the premises
  • Promptly report any defective equipment to the Hall Committee
  • Maintain fire exits clear
  • Follow the emergency procedures carefully during an incident of fire
  • Ensure they are familiar with the location of all fire fighting equipment


Fire Instructions

The assembly point is the adjacent Hall car park.


1. If you detect evidence of fire, smoke, flames or excessive heat, you should:

  • Alert others by shouting ‘Fire – Evacuate’ and operating the nearest fire alarm call point.
  • Ensure the alarm sounds.
  • If the fire is small and contained, use the appropriate fire appliance and fight it.
  • Do not however put yourself at risk in order to fight a fire.
  • When the fire is extinguished or the situation becomes unsafe, proceed to the assembly point in the car park. Close the door behind you.
  •  If the fire involves any cooking appliance or electrical supply, the appliances electrical supply must be switched off before any attack commences.
  •  Do not attempt to collect any belongings and do not enter any other rooms.
  •  Do not re-enter the building until it is safe to do so.  The all-clear will be given by the Fire Brigade.

2. If the alarm sounds and you have not been advised of a test:

  •  Leave the building.
  •  The person in charge will notify the Fire Brigade (Telephone 999 or 112). Inform them that a fire has occurred at Munlochy Hall, Millbank Road, Munlochy
  •  If known, tell them that everyone is out of the building or that someone is still in the property and state their last known location if known.


There is not a telephone in the Hall for general use.  Use a mobile phone or send someone to the nearest house. 

  • Everyone will evacuate the building and proceed to the assembly point in the adjacent car park.
  • A check will be made at the assembly point to ensure that everyone is accounted for.  Names of anyone not accounted for will be passed to the Fire Service, who will be assisted to identify the possible location of those missing and initiate a search.
  • Keep people at a safe distance from the building.
  • When the Fire Service attend, inform the Incident Commander of the location of anyone missing and answer any other questions they may have such as: the location of the main electrical isolation switch (in the cleaner’s cupboard), the location of the main water stop valve (outside the kitchen window in the car park).

Electrical Safety

  • An Electrical Installation Test will be carried out by a qualified electrician every three years.
  • An inspection of the portable electrical equipment will be carried out by a qualified electrical engineer every two years.

Any additional work will also be carried out by a qualified electrical engineer.

  • Residual current devices (RCDs) must be used on power supply to Instruments, audio equipment and any other equipment which can be handled.
  • All equipment, wires and cables will be safely routed and not become tripping hazards.
  • The bio-mass boiler room will be kept locked at all times and will only be accessed by those authorised by the Hall Committee.  The boiler will be maintained by a qualified heating engineer.



The Safety Plan will be revised periodically by the Hall Committee and will be amended if significant change is made to the premises, its use or changes in legislation.

2 December 2019

