Munlochy Hall

Clubs and Groups

Listed below are the groups that regularly use the hall. Please also check our events and activities calendar.

Kate Protheroe Yoga

Kate's classes are not running during February and March. She'll be back in April, so keep an eye on our facebook page.

Kate is a 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher based in Fortrose, teaching movement to increase strength, balance and range of control.

She teaches our popular weekly class in Munlochy hall at 6.30pm on Thursdays. The class is suitable for all levels, including beginners. The cost is £6 a class and there's no need to book, just come along wearing comfy clothes and bring a mat.

Contact Kate for further details: 07707 020758 or

View of wildflowers looking over fields to a bay. View towards Munlochy Bay

Mindful Movement with Dr Michelle 

Want to improve your physical and mental well-being?
Join Dr Michelle for a breath led, mindful yoga flow at Munlochy Village Hall starting 4th February,  7am-7.45am Tuesday mornings. 
The aim is to move slowly and mindfully, building strength, improving our range of movement and regulating our nervous system.
The class will be mixed ability ran at an intermediate level but Dr Michelle will offer variations and adjustments depending on your experience. People new to yoga are welcome.

  • No booking required, the classes are drop-in
  • Donation based- Pay what you can, when you can, no questions asked. Any cash donations collected on the day will go to the Munlochy and North Kessock Equipment fund
  • Please wear comfy clothes and bring a mat, Dr Michelle will have a small number of mats to lend out

For more information contact

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly."    Buddha

Canine Concerns Dog Training Classes

Canine Concerns run training classes for puppies and older dogs in Munlochy Hall on Sunday mornings.

You must book, so please have a look at their website to view the classes and book a place for your and your dog.

Highland Woodturners Club

Highland Woodturners meet on Thursdays, fortnightly in the workshops downstairs. 6.30pm - 9.00pm. They regularly host tutorials, demonstrations and competitions.

Contact:  John Ruickbie

Munlochy Early Learning and Childcare

Munlochy ELC aims to make sure that the children in their care feel safe, happy and secure in a child-focused, inclusive environment which is inclusive of all. Find out more on the Munlochy ELC website or email

School term times only held in their own premises within the hall.

Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm 

Munlochy Baby and Toddler Group  

School Term times only 

Wednesdays: 9.30am - 11am                           

Contact: Kyla Finlay, 

Knockbain Community Council

Knockbain Community Council meets very third Tuesday of every second month in the upstairs meeting room, alternating with North Kessock Village Hall.

Contact:  Sylvia Bertram

07783 683 706 

Munlochy Hall Management Committee Meetings  

Contact: Marion Mann 07765806539

The group meet on the last Tuesday in month (excluding July and December) 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Occasional clubs and groups

Please check with the contact that there is a class or session on before you come along to the hall.

  • Table Tennis for Adults (16 yrs+) Monday 8pm-10pm Contact  Frank Kremer 0776 6604556  
  • Melanie Mckay Dancers Tuesdays 5.30pm - 7pm.
  • Scottish Country Dancers onwards: Wednesday 7.30pm - 10pm
  • Badminton Club This club has closed due to lack of members. If you would like to start a new club please contact the Bookings Secretary